Source of Morality?

Snowpiercer is a science fiction TV series set in a dystopian world where the entire earth has frozen over and the only survivors are on a train propelled by a perpetual motion engine.

The train is a miniature society, and the key question is what sort of Morality should govern the train?

A premise of the show is the struggle between the economic classes on the train – 1st, 2nd & 3rd class plus some stowaways called Tailies and a small group of technocrats actually running the train.  There’s another  struggle between the “order” of the train (as attributed to the train’s creator, Mr Wilford) vs the Marxist(?) Or anarchist (?) revolutionaries in the lower classes.

But why should any of that matter? As with many dystopian stories, there is no God (or Morality created by principles handed down by God) found in the Snowpiercer story. So, as Dostoevsky said “Without God, all things are permitted.”

Since all is permitted, why shouldn’t Wilford be permitted to design any “order” or Morality he saw fit? Melanie, Wilford’s lieutenant who runs the train day-to-day, may simply be applying or interpreting Wilford’s order or Morality, but why not? The Tailies don’t like the their lot in life but so what? This isn’t a democracy, and there’s no Morality in the show that says that a person should respect or look out for the well being of others. So, why shouldn’t the power structure created by Wilford’s order be utilized to protect the order, even if it’s violent and somewhat arbitrary?

Similarly, the poor and oppressed Tailies (who broke the rules by being stowaways) have no reason to respect Wilford’s order, and there’s no particular reason why they shouldn’t grab for everything they can, using whatever force and violence they can.

This is not civilization, but the state of nature, where each uses whatever power and means available. Why should we impose Judeo Christian values, or even weak, fuzzy and godless Enlightenment values onto these TV characters? Shouldn’t we just root for whatever character is most appealing to us?  We might cheer for the established order, or cheer for the revolutionaries, but without moral principles to guide the characters, why should we expect them to conform to our moral ideas?

The answer, of course, is that the writers have written a story in which the characters act in ways that cause the viewers to see them as “good” or “bad,” even though there’s no logical reason why the characters would be expected to adopt the viewers’ Morality.  In reality, viewers cannot accept an amoral world governed only by the “order” that Wilford created on the train.  We impose our own value structure on what we see happening to the characters.   When there are no overriding values or Morality in the story, we have to create them.

And in real life, if you don’t acknowledge God as the source of Morality, order, ethics and values, then it’s just every man for himself and eventually anarchy and the lawless state of nature / survival of the fittest takes over.